Tuesday, 6 March 2012

When Life gives you lemons, blog about them

Hey there, all you zero readers. It's been a while since I've posted, and a lot has happened in my strange little life, which sadly put my blog on the back burner, limited to the reviews I've done for RocSoc, which I thought after no longer being on the exec I probably wouldn't be doing again. Well, I've had surprisingly good feedback (by that I mean one of the exec asked me to do some more), so I will attempt to make that a regular thing . The idea is that I will post something every other day , and once a week post something more substantial like a review, or some kind of extended blog post. We shall see, for the most part I'll be playing things relatively fast and loose until people start messaging angry things demanding content, so there we are.

Stay safe, and always hug it out,


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to more posts

