Friday, 31 August 2012

Cat In a Hammock: Because I Think We Need It

Welcome Philosocats, and muse with me as we take another well earned break and reflect on the world within ourselves, our own personal issues and dreams and hopes and future. Join me will you on this journey of self-enlightenment will you as we explore what the last week has held for us? And what the future holds as well?

Of course, this being a written post that you can't contribute to until it's the end, for the most part this will be me just talking about personal news and news on the site, since I'm not terribly good at the personal part of this 'personal' blog. In fact let's talk about this...

Because the last week had the first post on the site that wasn't mine, and I'm rather glad of the reception that got. Bit of backstory behind it; I was asked to put it on by Heather, the writer of the article, because she wanted it out there and didn't really have a blog of her own to put it. I was a bit worried at first since it was a very serious subject being placed in between me overanalysing pop culture, attacking politicians and cracking wise, so I didn't want the importance of what she'd written to be undermined by my usual content. Most of the people that got in touch with me about it (Shameless Plug time! Twitter's @HuggyDave, I respond to everything or leave a comment down below) were very supportive though, which helped, and it's also why I've subtly changed the tagline and might change it further, since it's not really a 'personal blog' but more a collation of views, because I'm pretty terrible at writing about my own life, it feels too much like I'm bragging or trying to elicit some kind of sympathy when I try.

That said, I probably should put more individually creative fare up here, like short stories or whatever, show I'm more than just a grumpy ranting lunatic. Expect the content to hopefully get a bit more esoteric. Also, I need to really finish the next part of 'Girl Depowered'. That should hopefully be a bit more analytical and actually provide some clear scope of what i'm trying to accomplish.

I don't think there's any other site news, so I guess I've got to go into my personal life don't I? Well, I suppose I should explain what I do when I'm not writing this stuff. My main stuff outside of my post-graduate study and the endless sleepless nights and uncertainty applying for funding and loans provides includes the band I'm the lead singer of, a metal outfit out of Lancaster called Project: Unicorn (Look us up, we actually exist) and already we've got some pretty exciting gigs coming up in Lancaster, so if you're around Lancaster in the next four months, might be worth a look. We even got reviews calling us “pleasantly surprising”!

There's a reason I'm hardly a marketer.

There's also the writing/editing gig I have with local student newspaper The Whistleblower, which takes up quite a bit of my time, but on the plus side means I actually have relevant job experience working for a newspaper! On top of that there's my other personal writing projects I have, projects I really need to work far more on than I have over summer. I've gotten lazy apparently.

Well, this was short compared to most of my posts, but I personally feel better for doing this. See ya next week when I will have the need to do this again! Or otherwise feel the urge to cleave through things with a giant axe.

Keep musing, Philosocats!

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