to the Isometrics Awards for Worst Game of the Year, the Rancid
Retrospective of the world of computer and video games. There was a
huge influx of games, a lot of which were fantastic, unique or at
least competent. With such a morass of games however, the inevitable
hand of the greedy, the incompetent and the both ends up leading to
quite a lot of crap. That said my longlist for worst games was far
shorter than my longlist for game of the year, but my word what we have here plumbs new depths of terrible. So without further ado, we shall begin.
Batman Arkham Knight (WB Games/Rocksteady Studios: PS4/XB1/PC)
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Pictured: The first mission of Arkham Knight |
start controversially shall we, by putting a game on this list I
actually quite like. Batman Arkham Knight, the kinda-sorta swansong
of the phenomenal Arkham series of bat-em-ups is actually a very good
game. It's beautiful, features some interesting mechanics to add to
the already excellent core gameplay elements of Arkham City and has
enough intruigue and darkness to be worth your while. This would all
be true if the game worked reliably. Even as of me writing this six
months after launch there are problems with frame rate, the Batmobile
(an otherwise fantastic mechanic) falling through the world and other
random glitches that really hamper an overall experience, to the
point that Rocksteady pulled the game, offering full refunds and only
rereleasing it in November with much of the same issues.
If you're playing on a console that didn't suffer these problems quite as badly, feel free to replace this with F1 2015, another game which could have been fantastic but for lazy porting, terrible optimisation, inexcusable glitches and a basically unplayable multiplayer, although with less actual content and innovation over previous iterations to justify this. I gave the slight nod to Arkham Knight on the sheer scale of disaster of the launch, but honestly both could have been Number 10 on this list.
Godus (22Cans: PC)
Peter Molyneux abandoned yet another project half finished and
missing almost all the content claimed by the developer. Since Black
and White he has been doing this and since Fable it has really
affected the games, with them getting worse and worse up until this
utter nadir of a life-simulation. Godus was a successful Kickstarter
campaign in 2012 that had an early access launch in 2013, allegedly
owing to problems with funding and complications that occurred during
game development.
rest of the story ends up getting very upsetting, the winner of an
alternate reality mobile game ended up getting precisely nothing
despite being promised real world revenue from a feature that was
never put in the game. Many of the Backer's rewards (Read: The most
important thing to give out when doing a Kickstarter campaign) were
unfulfilled, leading to demands for refunds from irate gamers.
Technically the game is still in early access but given the reduction
to a skeleton crew as of February 2015 it's safe to say the game
isn't being finished this side of ever.
in the game is fairly bad too, including terrible terrain
deformation that seems designed to cause repetitive strain injury, a microtransaction model for the Android and iOS
versions (The absence of which is touted a little too proudly in the PC beta), lots of annoying features borrowed from mobile gaming and
an alarming lack of content. There is a potentially fun game here but the game causes too much pain both figuratively and literally to be worth more than derision.
isn't this an odd curiosity of a game. Burgers is a Metal Slug clone
of sorts with terrible controls, a fairly naff art style, a
thoroughly baffling storyline and about an hour of content, and it
only got that much due to some of the worst controls in a 2D action
game I've seen for a while. It has a button for walking back which
only made sense in a 2D shooter when the rest of the appalling
controls were taken into account. The shooting is unsatisfying, the
animation would have been laughed off of Newgrounds and the
difficulty curve wobbles between absurdly easy to inexplicably
difficult, while lacking much in the way of variety to justify it.
The story, such as it is is so nonsensically absurd and riddled with
spelling, logic and sanity errors that it's almost worth the
incredibly low price of admission to see though, which is probably
the highest praise it will get.
games are epoch-setting and blaze a trail that other games can but
follow for years to come. Battle Ranch is not one of those games. A
clone of Plants Vs Zombies whose derivation is only matched by sheer
incompetence, Battle Ranch is the ever-so-original war between pigs
and plants. Apparently that's a wacky original concept or something.
Somehow despite being released in 2015 it looks like a game made with
Visual Basic 6, with a frame rate that aspires for double digits and
animations which aspire to actually animate at all. A game that would
have been laughed off of Newgrounds.
Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (Activision, PS4/XB1)
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Thinking Of Your Own Captions is much more fun than Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 |
was a time, ever so long ago when Tony Hawk and his series of Pro
Skater games were some of the most
fun party games you could ever play, and the brand was a symbol of a
great experience with a mix of brilliant gameplay and the perfect
amount of sillyness. Pro Skater 5, released over a decade after Pro
Skater 4 and eight years after the last good entry in the series, has
regressed in a manner not seen since the execrable Flatout 3 in 2011.
The game looks ugly as sin to start, with a graphical style so bad it
was very quickly converted to a cel-shaded style in a
failed attempt to deflect
criticism (known as the “DS Gambit”).
There's an alarming variety in pretty much every regard, with
repetitive missions, limited tricks and a social element seemingly
limited in practise to shoving other people over online. Worse than
all of this however is the regression in gameplay, taking a formula
that had evolved over a decade and somehow managing to mess up most
of the core mechanics, either through streamlining or simple
glitches. The game is monstrously unfun outside of watching those
hilarious montages of the game glitching out uncontrollably. It's
funny to watch but once you realise that is the whole experience,
you'll have a bad time.
of Flatout 3, their developer Turn6 is back, releasing an F-1 game in
2015 which may go down as one of the flat out worst racing games in
existence. Not having controller support may be forgivable in
comparison to the more readily apparent sins of the game, such as the
complete lack of competence in any technological respect. The
graphics would be dated in 1995, something that is not hidden by
terrible blurry visual effects. Every track feels the same and
appears to be in the same environment and the only distinction
between yourself and the other racers is what washed out colour you
happen to be. The gameplay really sucks as well. One would assume you
could not use the skidding mess that was the Glacier 3 engine in a
formula one game, however Turn6 vehemently disagree adding terrible
drifting and a destruction based boost mechanic to a discipline of
driving intended to be about careful precision. An appalling, bargain
basement excuse for a video game.
Digital Homicide are back, with their patented blend of bought,
borrowed and stolen assets, mixed in with unbelievably pathetic
gameplay. The sheer volume of crap they effused onto steam was so
excessive I could have filled the top ten list with DH (and
affiliated shell companies) games and had done with it. I was torn
between this and the completely dysfunctional Galactic Hitman, and
Temper Tantrum only won because of the sheer offence of it. It's a
painful game to witness, partly because of the gaudiest textures ever
sold via Unity, but also because of a bizarre framerate, unresponsive
controls and a camera that seems obsessed with spinning. The one
moment of respite was on my first attempt playing the game where I
phased through a wall and ended up standing atop a swimming pool.
When glitching your way out of playing a game is the best thing about
it, you know you've reached a particularly rough level of bad.
Kavkaz (Dagestan Technology, PC)
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Depicted: Race Relations. Also Depicted: A Repulsive Video Game |
mere technological failures to outright offensively awful messes, we
have the Russian mockbuster take on Hotline Miami, Bloodbath Kavkaz.
The steam page promises “all the horrors of russian [sic] modern
culture” and it delivers in spades, providing a nonsensical
experience seemingly made in MS Paint by a fourteen year old white
supremacist. It is racism, terrible art and memes, and apparently
there is no room for good gameplay, graphics that don't seriously
harm people with photosensitive epilepsy and oddly enough for a
Hotline Miami clone, a lack of difficulty for the most part. Beyond
(Andrii Vintsevych, PC)
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Depicted: An attempt to take a picture of the most repulsive part of the game, where the main character's dad is a massive homophobe. |
literally denotes a fear of women, and the game takes this mildly
intruiging concept with all the subtlty of a spider-shaped brick with
breasts. The first issue is that the main conceit of the game is
mostly a con, since two fifths of the game take place within another
terribly generic zombie first person shooter, where you are wowed by
awful controls, location damage limited to headshots, a grand total
of three weapons (and I'm magnanimously including the knife in that
as well), ugly store-bought enemies with AI completely limited to
chasing the player and a level objective which consists of car
maintenance. Once the actual misogynist parts of the game begin and
you're shooting women-shaped store-bought zombies in the head,
needless to say the game gets a little bit unhinged. The game is
only an hour long as well, even taking into account the often unfair
level design and lack of checkpoints, but by the end you'll have been
so beaten over the head by this half-assed misogynist bollocks that
killing a scorpion sorceress and the bizarre Oedipal aspects of the
game are no longer even slightly amusing. A soul-destroying mess.
didn't want this to be the winner in all honesty. I suspected there
was a good chance this jaunt through the life of a spree killer was
going to win the worst game award, but I wanted to give it the
benefit of the doubt. After all, brilliant games sometimes cover
insanely dark themes, and providing there is a level of balance,
enjoyment or some form of enlightenment a game can be entertaining.
Hatred manages to get everything wrong that games Hatred is so
desperate to emulate got right, games like Manhunt and especially
Postal 2. Hatred is not the worst game of the year because of its
appalling graphics, inexcusable framerate, iffy controls, generic
mission objectives, its litany of bugs or its short lifespan. Not at
all, the game is the worst game of this year, and indeed the worst of
all time because of how much of a complete and utter waste it is. It
wasted the Unreal Engine 4, providing a game that looks bad by late
PS2 standards and has a framerate that aspires to reach double digits
on a good day when nothing's on screen. It wasted a graphical style
that sought to emulate dark age comic books but is a generic sludge
of black and white nonsense that forces the player to rely on the
“Killer's Sense” mapped to the right analogue stick to actually
find enemies. Most importantly, it wasted what could have been a
fascinating conceit, of a twisted disturbed spree killer far too
psychotic and murderous to be an antihero, who kills for some purpose
never said and possibly never known. It is a conceit succeeded in the
disturbing Manhunt, the shamefully hilarious Postal 2 and even the
controversial Super Columbine Massacre RPG, a free game made in 2005
about a real mass shooting. Hatred inspires complete apathy, a
complete lack of care, effort or interest in the game they are making
and trying to sell, trying to pass this lack of effort and talent as
some slight against the politically correct world. It makes me
furious that a game like this hoodwinked masses of people on
Greenlight, Gabe Newell who stepped in to allow the game to be
published after an initial ban, and myself into thinking this was a
game with merit being a victim of censorship. Of the top three games,
at least Bloodbath Kavkaz attempted and failed at being as satirical
as Hotline Miami, and at least Gynophobia had attempted and failed to
cover its subject matter. Hatred simply did not bother, and because
of this complete antithesis of fun, enjoyment and meaning, Hatred
gets the Isometrics Award for Worst Game of 2015.
you very much for reading, and have a lovely 2016. Much better games
and the honourable mentions are incoming.
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